Ad Astra


The following is a list of those graduate brothers who have passed Ad Astra. If you know of a Graduate Brother to add to the list, please submit this report.

Sorted by Class 

Graduate Brother - Class Year

Hanley, Ture '27
Pickrell, Robert '47
Chandler, William '49
Davis, James '50
Schirmer, Edward '50
Tolley, Willis '50
Schaller, Chaunce ‘50
Miller, Duane '51
Morrison, Cecil '51
Pendergast, Clarence '51
Tolley, James S. '51
DeSanctis, Roman ‘51
Bailey, Robert '52
Eller, Karl '52
Finical, Irvine '52
Quinn, John '52
Mueller, John ‘52
Swaim, Robert '53
Leftault, Charles '54
Smith, Stanley '54
Anklam, James '55
Joachim, Richard E.  ’55
Benedict, Louis '56
Heckler, Lee David '56
Perrodin, Thomas '56
Barker, J. Emery '57
Reeves, R. William '57
Sanders, William '57
Waddle, John '57
Hoffman, Michael G. Dr. '58
Bell, William M. III '59
Polson, William '59
Robinson, Robert '59
Burton, Osmond '60
Carlson, Don '60
Harris, Thomas '60
Laflen, Milt '60
Mariscal, Daniel '60
McRae, Hamilton III '60
Milam, William '60
Hill, Jim '61
Johnson, Chris '61
Johnson, Ronald '61
McEowen, William '61
Minson, Ron 61
Moody, Brent '61
Richardson, Bonham '61
Swanson, Thomas '61
Burns, Tom '62
Butler, III DDS, Nelson '63
Cole, Tom '63
Ewing, Russell '63
McCartney, Scott '63
Nichols, K. Bailey '63
Stanley, Doug '63
Armer, Wally '64
Clausen, Dick '64
Coil, Bob '64
Fifield, Robert '64
Guerrero, Joel '64
Hanley, Lee '64
Heidler, George '64
Holloway, Paul '64
Howard, George '64
Manning, Herbert '64
Nichols, Bailey '64
Richards, Walter '64
Areghini, David '65
Boll, Roger '65
Cook, Charles '65
Davis, Chuck '65
Ewing, Ronald '65
Forgey, Frank '65
Fouse, John '65
Garis, Bob '65
Hildt, Robert '65
Howard, Terry '65
Mauck, Gary '65
Morgan, Steve '65
Robinson, Alvin '65
Sherman, Roger '65
Jorgensen, Eric '66
Manning, Mike '66
Richter, Dean '66
Dent, Charles '67
Duncan, Bob '67
Gaines, Pendelton '67
Hansen, Bob '67
Olt, John '67
Reid, Steve '67
Cochran, Charles '68
Fentnor, Louis '68
Dryden, Peter '69
Jasper, Norval '69
Johnson, Robert '69
Pensinger, Michael '69
Smith, Cleveland '69
Snee, Thomas '69
Swan, Robert '69
Arnold, Tom '70
Beaugureau, David '70
McCarroll, Michael '70
Roberts, Howard '70
Wyss, Slade '70
Larson, Stephen '71
Cohen, Rick '72
Funnell, William '72
Shanley, John '72
Smith, Steve '72
Tella, Brock '72
Drake, Rodney '73
Clausen, Christopher '74
Montgomery, Dan '74
Stewart, Charles '74
Carlough, Gary '75
Payne, G. William '75
Reeb, Thomas '75
Varney, Billy Jo '75
Hilton, David '76
Martori, Edward '76
Stevens, Charles '76
Bailey, Daniel ’76
Applegate, Rex '78
Fanuka, Kurt '78
Gibson, Scott '78
Ludden, Robert '78
Pfersdorf, Richard '78
Stockham, Arnold '78
Pearson, Mark '79
Tolley, Daniel ’79
Battersby, John '80
Kincaid, H. Thomas '80
Vander Hyde, Kip '80
Wonacott, Scott '80
Battaglia, Daniel '81
Courville, Craig '81
Hening, Horace '81
Hoskin, Bob '82
Litt, Bruce '82
Meiners, Paul '82
Bower, John '83
DeKemper, Phil '84
Knill, Michael '85
Looney, Michael '85
Funk, John '86
Foster, Brian '87
Giffin, Shawn '87
O'Donnell, Pat '87
Lambert, George '88
Medeiros, James '88
Murphy, Rick '88
Clements, Jon '89
Ferkenhoff, Chris '89
Giumarra, John ’90
Mandala, Mike ’92
Pepe, Brian ’96
Wikle, John ’96
Smith, Will ’98
Peterson, Justin ’02
Dominy, Luke ’07
Flynn, Patrick ’07
Lausten, Noel ‘09
Kerr, Colin ‘10
Zarifi, Sami ‘12
Forrester, Wilson ’13
Roth, Chris ’13
Jackson, Myles ‘14
Anderson, Michael
Henderson, Bakari ’17
Limon, Diego '23