Upsilon Alpha Career Network Launched

We are pleased to announce the creation of the Upsilon Alpha Career Network. Born out of a desire to provide outstanding leadership and career resources, our chapter’s career network engages undergraduate members with graduate brothers. We’re also inviting parents to participate, as a means of providing additional connection opportunities. The Upsilon Alpha Career Network offers the following:

  • Professional speaker series
  • Career and leadership tips
  • Job and resume board
  • Professional connection and mentoring platform

These opportunities, along with other resources, are featured on a password-protected webpage. Go to

  • Graduate Brothers – post jobs and provide advice and connections
  • Undergrads – Learn career readiness tips, post resumes, and connect with successful graduate brothers

Our friends at Fraternity Management Group created and are actively managing our career network. We’re excited about this new addition to Upsilon Alpha and encourage your active participation.