Curt Dunshee '82

Curtis J. Dunshee '82 was born in Kansas City and lived there until his family moved to Tucson in 1974. He went to Amphi High School and lettered in tennis all 4 years. After graduating in 1978, Curt chose the University of Arizona because “it was the least expensive school to attend with decent academic credentials." 

He pledged Fiji that fall and was initiated in early 1979. Brother Curt was elected Recording Secretary as a junior and then Chapter President as a senior. Upsilon Alpha nearly won the Cheney Cup that year, finishing in third place. Curt enjoyed intramurals and remembers winning championships in tennis, speedball and soccer. A major highlight was winning the penalty shootout against the Pikes to secure the championship match win in soccer. Curt was the goalie. He claims that “Fiji gave me the foundation to achieve my life goals and friends to share the journey.” 

Active in extracurricular activities, Curt was selected to the men’s honoraries Primus, Sophos, Chain Gang, Blue Key and Bobcats. He was also selected Outstanding Junior Man. Due to his outstanding academics, he was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa, the oldest scholarship society in the United States. After graduating with a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry, Curt was admitted to the University of Arizona College of Medicine. He did so well academically that he was selected to the Alpha Omega Alpha medical honor society. 

After graduating from medical school, Curt completed an internship in General Surgery at the University of California, Irvine. He also did his Urology Residency there before returning to Tucson to set up his medical practice in 1993. He has been in private practice with Urological Associates of Southern Arizona ever since then. Curt specializes in numerous areas including prostate cancer, laser surgery, stone disease, and bladder cancer. 

Dr. Dunshee served as a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Surgery at UArizona, Chairman of the Division of Urology at St. Mary’s Hospital in Tucson, Chairman of the Laser Committee at Carondelet Hospital, Chief of Surgery at St. Mary’s Hospital, Chairman of the Executive Management Committee at the Northwest Surgery Center, and the Board of Trustees of Northwest Hospital, Tucson. 

His professional affiliations include the American Urological Association, American College of Surgeons, Pima Medical Society, American Board of Urology, American Medical Association, Arizona Urology Specialists, and Advanced Clinical Therapeutics. As a board-certified surgeon who has passed a rigorous evaluation of his education, training, professional qualifications, surgical competence, and ethical conduct, Curt has earned the post-nominal title FACS (Fellow of the American College of Surgeons). 

Married to Beth Goss (Chi Omega ‘84) since 1986, they have 2 children, Keara and Patrick, and two grandchildren. Curt enjoys spending time with his family, playing tennis whenever he can, and keeping his yard free of pack rats.